Submit your film by May 31, 2025 !
Fritz Bauer & Raphael Lemkin
Human Rights Film Award
The Human Rights Film Award of the BUXUS FOUNDATION and the BERG INSTITUTE honours filmmakers who have made outstanding contributions to human rights, democracy and dialogue with their cinema, television and film productions.
The films tell stories of survival and resistance. Stories of people who have survived genocide, war and social injustice and who, in spite of this, do not allow themselves to feel victimized. Films that not only explore the fate of the survivors and their relatives in a documentary way, but also retell the story artistically and emotionally.
Fritz Bauer Raphael LemkinPresentation of the
Award by the expert jury
The competition is open to productions by professional directors and non-commercial filmmakers.
An expert jury will decide on the winners of the Fritz Bauer & Raphael Lemkin Human Rights Film Award. The films compete in three categories. The awards will be presented at the end of the “Unlimited Hope” film festival at the Fritz Bauer Forum in Bochum. All categories are endowed.
to the awardsFilms about the "fight for human rights"
The award-winning films of our Fritz Bauer & Raphael Lemkin Human Rights Film Award explore and unite the stories of people who fight for human rights worldwide – their own and those of others. What makes them resist? Where do they find the strength to do so in situations where others, often all of them, fall silent and adapt to injustice. What can we ourselves do?
Our films pass on the stories of the “Struggle for Human Rights”. Only in this way the voices of resistance remain alive and human rights are strengthened.
Fritz Bauer Raphael LemkinBuxus Stiftung
The BUXUS STIFTUNG was founded in 2013 as an independent non-profit society (gGmbH). The purpose of the non-profit BUXUS STIFTUNG is the promotion of science and research, as well as education and learning. The non-profit society researches and promotes the prerequisites for social coexistence based on independence, courage and human rights-oriented action. The BUXUS STIFTUNG has initiated and built the Fritz Bauer Forum in Bochum.
to the websiteBERG INSTITUTE
The Berg Institute was founded in 2009 as an independent academic entity. As a non-govern- mental organization, it dedicates its work to capacity building and legal consulting in the fields of Human Rights promotion and protection, International Humanitarian Law, Governance, and Democratic Leadership.
Would you like to submit a film on the subject?
Then register directly online using our form.